[Blog] Ever been asked "How do you measure up?"

By Prime Care Tech Marketing on Tue, May 02, 2017 @ 10:41 AM

Over the last year or so one of the most common phrases you here in the LTPAC community is "How do you measure up?"

With ACOs and bundled payments, skilled nursing facilities (SNF) are looking to become part of a preferred skilled nursing facility network.  Each ACO or hospital has their own criteria.

Last year we blogged about some of the top criteria that ACOs look for when partner with a SNF.  These still hold true today. To read the blog click below:

Click for Blog

 Short video on our powerful dashboard to show how you measure up  WATCH VIDEO DEMO


Topics: ACOs hospitals hospital readmissions readmission rates bundled payment

Business Intelligence and ACOs

By Prime Care Tech Marketing on Wed, Apr 12, 2017 @ 08:17 AM

A little over a year ago we posted a blog that is still very relevant in today’s ever changing look at how to work with and show ACOs your value as a provider and trusted partner.

The key is to understand what the requirements are for an ACO and to have the right business intelligence tools in place to easily pull the information from disparate systems so you can easily show your value. Or, as some would say, access to interoperable data analytics.

Below is a link to the blog

Read Blog

Topics: ACOs reporting and analytics ACO payment model payment models post-acute care providers business intelligence basics
1 min read

[Webinar] Join our Webinar for LTPAC Administartors and Executives

By Prime Care Tech Marketing on Fri, Apr 07, 2017 @ 03:17 PM

Prime Care Technologies will host two sessions offering five tips to ensure regional and facility Post-Acute leaders to deliver the performance expected of them.  One session is geared toward Administartors and Executive Directors.  The second is for other Executives. 

  1. Use real time visibility into operations metrics to immediately course correct by region, state and individual 
  2. Enhance performance NOW around cash flow, payer mix, and collections
  3. Focus on ongoing performance improvement across all your locations, while ensuring strong financial and operational results
  4. Develop and strengthen relationships with local hospitals and ACOs
  5. Employ staffing plans which adjust to changes in acuity and census

Chief Product Officer and 25+ year post-acute care expert, Cheryl Field, will host.

You don't want to miss this one.

Topics: business intelligence ACOs labor management labor KPIs business analytics data analytics
2 min read

[Blog] Preferred Skilled Nursing Facility Networks: How do you measure up?

By Bryana Allen on Wed, May 25, 2016 @ 11:30 AM

It’s no secret the Affordable Care Act has greatly changed the healthcare landscape. It’s become a value-based industry with financial penalties and incentives involving 33 quality metrics, including hospital readmission rates. As a result, many accountable care organizations (ACO) have recognized the need to partner with post-acute care facilities to ensure quality of care is maintained throughout a patient’s entire treatment. They understand the valuable roll skilled nursing facilities (SNF) play in supporting patient transitions.

In order to ensure their patients are treated by the most effective SNF, many hospitals are establishing Preferred Skilled Nursing Facility Network partnerships. While each hospital or ACO will have its own criteria, here are some of the things they examine when creating their Preferred SNF Networks:  high quality of care, effective communication, and current technology.

Here’s an overview of the top criteria ACOs look for in SNFs:

  • High quality of care
    Many ACOs require SNFs to have a CMS three-star rating or higher. The reason is simple. Proactive treatment in the rehab process and good risk management help prevent unnecessary hospital readmissions. 
  • Effective communication
    It’s all about transparency, collaboration, and open communication with providers throughout a patient’s entire treatment. ACOs want to know how their patients are doing and be apprised of any changes to their conditions.
  • Current technology
    Electronic medical records (EMR) and adequate data security are an essential part of sharing patient status with providers. ACOs want to work with SNFs who are able to easily share and protect pertinent patient information.

ACOs are a key driver of referrals for many SNFs. The financial risk is extremely high for any acute or post-acute care provider who doesn’t become part of a preferred SNF network.

You may find that our primeVIEW business performance dashboard for long-term care can help ensure your SNF maintains the high-quality of care expected by ACO/other networks. Its real-time snapshots of integrated data allows SNFs to proactively monitor performance around census, staffing, AR, clinical, financial, five star rating and more.


Topics: ACOs Affordable Care Act SNF CMS
2 min read

Spotlight on March's Business Intelligence Blogs

By Prime Care Tech Marketing on Tue, Mar 29, 2016 @ 12:00 PM

Business-Intelligence-Spotlight-320x221.jpgIn this month’s BI-focused blog postings, we explored the process of decision making, PBJ compliance reporting automation, using BI to help providers beneficially get the attention of ACOs, and, along that same line, establishing and strengthening relationships with key referral sources.

Data-driven decisions – an art and a science?

With the right information, you, the provider, can make the right decisions, right now! But even if the information is right, timely, relevant, and rendered actionable, making “the right decision” is a skill. But is decision making an art or a science? And what role does BI play? Read on.

It’s about time - Providers should automate PBJ reporting

Like it or not, Payroll-based Journal reporting is just around the corner and will become a routine requirement for all SNF providers. And it comes with a kick in CY 2017 – a Five Star Rating kick. How can automation expedite the monitoring and reporting process? Find out.

How Business Intelligence can help execs stand out in an ACO crowd

In our recent blogs, we’ve highlighted how Business Intelligence (BI) can help providers more effectively tell their stories to stakeholders, investors, and referral sources. However, providers have another key audience to whom they could effectively present data-driven demonstrations of value and quality – ACOs. Learn more.

Business Intelligence can help demonstrate value to referral sources

As the reimbursement world changes from fee-for-service to pay-for-performance models, demonstrating value is key. To be able to effectively demonstrate value compliant with payment model expectations, providers need to be able to know how well their facilities are performing today. The technology needed to effectively identify and communicate such value is available through BI. Discover how.


Are you able to make the right decisions with the right intel when you need it?


Topics: ACOs Using Business Intelligence decision making PBJ data-driven decisions data-driven information payroll-based journal reporting


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