1 min read

Cyber Security Protection Starts with Employee Training and Passwords

By Prime Care Tech Marketing on Thu, Jul 08, 2021 @ 11:05 AM

Are you a small or midsize business (SMB)? Most skilled nursing and senior living organizations find themselves in this category and like all other SMBs, cyber security should be a top concern given that 60% of companies impacted by cyber attacks go out of business. If that gets your attention, you'll be interested to see these related stats.


The onus is on business owners to create a culture of cyber security across the workforce. Make staff feel part of the team when it comes to blocking out attackers -- train them to recognize and avoid threats. Many companies now offer phishing resistance training, which is a great tool to have in your belt.

Lastly, we can't stress enough the importance of password management. It's estimated that 60% of employees use the same password across multiple work and home applications. Educate them on creating better ones, automate your password expiration policy and consider multi-factor authorizations (MFAs).

If you're feeling vulnerable, take our cyber security self-audit to see if you've got cyber security basics in place. If you've got weaknesses, we can help.

Let's Talk

Topics: cyber security cyber threats phishing ransomware insider threats
2 min read

Identify the Threat: 3 Types of Cyber-Attacks Faced by Long-Term Care Facilities

By Prime Care Tech Marketing on Thu, Jan 16, 2020 @ 11:46 AM

Long-term care cyber-attacks are on the rise. From single-location facilities to nationwide organizations, the long-term care industry is facing cyber threats like never before.

How can you keep your long-term care organization safe from attacks? The first step is to know what you’re dealing with.

Threat Type #1: Email Phishing Attacks

By far the most common cyber-attack, email phishing is when a hacker attempts to gain protected information (usually passwords) through deceptive means. Often, victims will receive an email from a trustworthy individual or organization insisting that they click a link or fill out a form. As soon as they do, the hacker captures their information and can use it however they wish.

Phishing attacks are dangerous because they rely on human error, not software loopholes or vulnerabilities. The emails often seem credible. For instance, your staff might receive a bulk email from you stating that their passwords have been reset and that they must enter their login information to confirm. They click the link in the email, which takes them to a landing page that looks exactly like software your organization uses. Since it looks legit, they enter their information, and the attackers now have access to your systems.

Staff training and vigilance can reduce the likelihood of a successful phishing attack, but it only takes one slip-up to compromise your security.

Threat Type #2: Ransomware / Malware Attacks

Malware attacks are viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, or any other type of malicious software application that a user downloads to your system. The programs themselves can do anything imaginable to your network. Some malware simply hides or deletes information. Other programs shut out users or make certain applications totally inoperable.

A malware attack becomes a ransomware attack when the hackers offer to reverse the damage they have caused for a monetary payment. Larger organizations have paid ransoms in the millions of dollars just to get their systems back online.

Malware and ransomware attacks are initiated through clicked links or file downloads. Once downloaded, the program attaches itself to different files and gets to work. Email filters and other scanning programs help, but hackers are finding more and more ways to get these files onto your organization’s computers.

Threat Type #3: Social Engineering Attacks

Phishing isn’t the only cyber-attack that relies on human error. Other types of cyber-attacks take a different, yet still personal, approach to stealing information.

Baiting is a type of cyber-attack that promises a desirable good in exchange for a user’s information. For example, a website might offer free music downloads for providing your email login and password.

Pretexting is all about the story. The attacker creates a plausible pretext for requiring the information they ask from you. For instance, they might ask for your full name, social security number, and mother’s maiden name to confirm your identity. In reality, they’re using that information to commit identity theft.

In the end, your best defense against cyber-attacks is education. Talk to your staff about cyber-attacks and make sure they understand what’s really at stake.

Beyond your employees, consider partnering with an IT provider to secure your long-term care organization’s data against cyber-attacks. For instance, Prime Care Technologies offers a highly secure Tier III+ data center as well as a separate disaster recovery center to its clients.

It’s not a question of if you’ll be the victim of a cyber-attack — it’s when. And when it happens, don’t you want to be ready?

Topics: cyber security cyber threats phishing ransomware malware
1 min read

U.S. Health and Human Services Cites 5 Most Relevant Cyber Threats

By Peter Teichert on Fri, Feb 15, 2019 @ 02:47 PM

Our recent webinar, A 3-Prong Preparation Strategy for HIPAA Audits, touched upon cybersecurity. As a follow-up, we have prepared the below infographic, summarizing related information from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 

If we can be of help to you in protecting yourself against these threats or preparing for HIPAA audits, get in touchTo learn more about our expertise, visit our primeCLOUD page.

Top 5 Cyber Threats

Topics: cybersecurity HIPAA compliance HIPAA One Risk Assessment HIPAA enforcement cyber threats


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