[Webinar] Best Practices in LTPAC Revenue Cycle Management

By Prime Care Tech Marketing on Thu, May 11, 2017 @ 08:28 AM

Kimberly Sturm, primeClaims Senior Project Manager, will be sharing some of the best practices from our top clients to help you get paid faster and to streamline you revenue cycle management processes.

During the webinar, we'll:

  • Explain the most common errors resulting in rejection
  • Discuss the significance of claim filing indicators
  • Explain the difference between 22X and 23X billing codes
  • Demystify 50 Shades of Medicare Secondary Payers (MSPs)

As a 25+ year veteran of LTPAC, working in both facility-based and EHR organizations, she appreciates the importance of NOT leaving cash on the table.

Register for Claims Webinar


Topics: Medicare claims Billing Practices billing basics revenue cycle LTC Claims claims revenue
2 min read

Back to the Billing Basics in 2016 - Deductibles, Co-insurances, etc.

By Prime Care Tech Marketing on Thu, Jan 14, 2016 @ 06:26 PM

iStock_000036121056_Small.jpgIn the spirit of to our January 7, 2016 blog, we want to continue with the New Years’ resolution theme by concentrating on other important tasks every Post-acute Long Term Care AR manager should address. The following checklist can be helpful in steering your accounts receivables in a cash-positive direction for 2016:

  • Contract Management – Perhaps this is a good time to blow the dust off those payer contract file folders. Get to know the details and the impact they will have on cash flow for the next year. Do they include changes for 2016, such as reimbursement rates and contractual write-offs? Being familiar with and responding to such details can help AR managers more reliably predict payment requirements, amounts, and timing.
  • Co-insurance and deductibles – The ruleof thumb is if insurance is going to change, it will be at the beginning of the year. Specifically, check each payer’s copayments and deductibles. They typically seem to parallel Medicare guidelines which went into effect January 1st. The following table highlights some of these changes:

2016 Medicare rates at a glance

Part A Skilled Nursing Facility Coinsurance

$161 per day for days 21- 100 of Part A coverage

Part B Deductible and Coinsurance

Deductible - $166

Coinsurance – no change

Part C Rates

The rates and other billing terms are stipulated in the Medicare Advantage contracts

  • Patient liability – Not many states have fiscal years beginning on January 1, but in the event the states your facilities operate in do, then knowing what the patient liability rates will be and communicating them to Medicaid residents’ responsible parties will be helpful to collections. Even if the Medicaid fiscal year end is later, now may be a good time to review anticipated changes.
  • Contract folder and tickler file - If you haven’t already, we highly recommend that you set up a tickler file to effectively manage and track your payer contracts. Whether the tickler file is a traditional binder with physical folders or an electronic version, this is a good time to bring them up to date and to calendar critical changes and negotiation/renewal dates.

This list is small, but important. It will help you address not only these important revenue cycle management tasks, but also other tasks tied to your 2016 billing and collection goals.

Business Intelligence

Topics: contract folder Skilled Nursing Facility contract management co-insurance deductibles patient liability billing basics


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