Does your IT team track reported security threats, vulnerabilities, and patches as often as weekly? We do. In fact, our primeCLOUD customers receive notifications about the impact each week, along with an explanation of how our team is mitigating risk on their behalf. Review last week's summary to understand the potential impacts and interventions.
Effective October 3, 2021
High Impact
Source |
Product(s) |
Type |
ManageEngine |
ADManager Plus |
Security fix for critical vulnerability |
VMware |
n/a |
Security update |
Medium Impact
No new impacts since September 19, 2021 report.
Low Impact
No new impacts since September 19, 2021 report.
No Impact
*Prime Care Tech team assessed and determined our clients are not impacted/using product
Source |
Product(s) |
Type |
Multiple |
Guidance on selecting and hardening VPNs |
The constantly increasing demands of securing your data against cyber criminals make it challenging to keep up. If you need help staying on top of your game, get in touch.
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