News | Prime Care Technologies

Is your data in the moment with you?

Written by Prime Care Tech Marketing | Fri, Jul 17, 2020 @ 03:27 PM

Expediting critical care decisions during and after COVID.

We’re following the headlines every day and of course, it’s hard to NOT be in the moment right now. Is your data in the moment with you?

Here are five ways to evaluate if your data is in the moment.

  1. Can you view your most critical data in real time?
  2. Can you access it via a mobile app?
  3. Can your system easily integrate data from other partners?
  4. Can it help alert you and easily trend diagnoses/symptoms – like COVID-19?
  5. Can you cost-out incoming patients in just a few clicks?

If you answered NO, your data is not at your fingertips to help you through COVID, and it can't help you mitigate the CMS-mandated changes to come.

So how do you get ready for a post-COVID, return to normal – or something close to it?

  • Seek out a tech partner who is looking toward the future, while you deal with the ‘moment.’
  • Use an app that integrates multi-source, critical data for daily meetings and action-required updates.
  • Build a team with varying skill sets to evaluate clinical performance alongside your revenue return.
  • Zero in on those referral partners who fit your clinical and financial success patterns.

Want to hear more? Check out our Centers of Excellence webinar series led by Clint Maun.

The first, Using Data to Determine Your Clinical Niche, is on July 29.

Additional sessions include:

Register for all four and make your way toward becoming a Center of Excellence!